• منتديات شباب الرافدين .. تجمع عراقي يقدم محتوى مميز لجميع طلبة وشباب العراق .. لذا ندعوكم للانضمام الى اسرتنا والمشاركة والدعم وتبادل الافكار والرؤى والمعلومات. فأهلاَ وسهلاَ بكم.

برجراف بالانجليزية عن التكنولوجيا

  • سليم البصري سليم البصري:
    جناب المديرة صبحكم الله بالخير شلون اتواصل وياكم
برجراف بالانجليزية عن التكنولوجيا

There is no doubt that man now lives in a huge development in the field of technology, and technology has contributed negatively and positively to our life, and the result was that it greatly affected technological way of life that we live now and we are relying on technology greatly day after day,

in the past, there is no day we use technology in this big way in our lives, now we find that every day that passes, technology evolves and makes us closely related to it

Technology did not stop at a certain level or in a specific field, but it expands in all fields, there are many areas Whether in education, health, work or field Scientific science was created by modern technology, and scientists still invent many things day after day

Technology has spread to all regions of the world, and man has become uses it everywhere at all times whatever the level of societies’ progress and the level of their cultural, social, and material level, there is no place without technology, and from here the term “technological invasion” is not exaggerated at all, for example, there is no place on the earth without cell phones and no place without Internet connection
القائمة الجانبية للموقع
خرّيج وتبحث عن عمل؟
تعيينات العراق
هل أنت من عشاق السفر حول العالم؟
إكتشف أجمل الأماكن
هل أنت من عشاق التكنولوجيا؟
جديد التكنولوجيا
أعلى أسفل